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A Blog is the Most Underrated Way to Keep in Touch While Traveling featured image

A Blog is the Most Underrated Way to Keep in Touch While Traveling

Traveling is one of the most exciting experiences a person can have. Experiencing a different culture can teach you so much more than you ever expected. Even when you’re traveling to a different country that speaks the same language as you do at home, the different customs present will ensure that you return home with […]

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What you should know about Sexual Harassment featured image

What you should know about Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination, in the United States, that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Sexual harassment occurs when one employee makes continued, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, to another employee, against his or her wishes. […]

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The Killing of Kajieme Powell and How It Divides Americans featured image

The Killing of Kajieme Powell and How It Divides Americans

The mentally disturbed man was shot to death by St. Louis law-enforcement officers after walking toward them with a knife. Video of the incident has sparked debate about the police’s reaction. The police officers who shot and killed Kajieme Powell, 25, in St. Louis, Missouri, on Tuesday did so while being recorded by a man […]

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Getting a Better Sleep Thanks to Foam featured image

Getting a Better Sleep Thanks to Foam

With winter here, more and more of us Canadians will be looking forward to nice long bouts of sleep under warm sheets and on top of comfortable mattresses. So if you’re not happy with your current mattresses performance, now is probably the time to replace it. One popular option more and more people are turning […]

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Cushions for Your Boat featured image

Cushions for Your Boat

If you own a boat, you probably look forward to every opportunity you can get to take it out on the water for some fishing, jet skiing or just to be around nature. There are many important facets of a boat that are absolutely essential to its operation. In fact, it can be easy to […]

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Strategies For Controlling Your Anger featured image

Strategies For Controlling Your Anger

Everybody gets angry, but out-of-control rage isn’t good for you or those around you. When you can’t control your anger, you may get into fist-fights or drive recklessly, for example, endangering yourself and others. But anger also plays havoc with your own body. Research shows that anger can increase people’s — especially men’s — chances […]

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Drive your Holiday Away in the Caymans featured image

Drive your Holiday Away in the Caymans

Article written by Life as a pet On your next holiday, are you going to take the tour bus or hotel service to the many wonderful, yet pre-set, tourist attractions, or will you take the plunge and arrange your own tour in your time, and at your own pace? I know what my answer would […]

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Driving into the Future featured image

Driving into the Future

Posted by Phin Upham Most movies that depict the future show flying cars and highways in the sky. How close are we to reaching this fantasy? In the article, “The Future of Driving,” Tom Chiarella goes on a journey to find out exactly where the evolution of cars and roads are headed. At the time […]

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Foam for Your Walls featured image

Foam for Your Walls

When people think of foam they think of all kinds of comfortable materials. They might think of their mattress or favorite chair. They may even think of furniture on their boat. But foam’s unique properties make it useful for more than just taking a load off. Continue reading to discover why your walls might do […]

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The Importance of Outdoor Foam featured image

The Importance of Outdoor Foam

Everyone loves spending time outdoors. While we work hard to make the inside of our home as enjoyable as possible, it can never replace sunlight, fresh air and the perfect breeze. Of course, most of us still insist on some modern charm, which is why we outfit our patios, porches, decks and even boats with […]

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Tip of the Day

If you want to get leaner but don’t want to be found spending every waking second you happen to have in the gym, it’s time to look at some shortcuts you can take to up your calorie burn so you can destroy body fat faster.