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Author: admin

Boxing Betting and Money Making

In the days of the Romans, men used to battle to the death in an arena housing thousands of spectators eager for some blood spill. These days, we watch highlights from the latest MMA or boxing match on our phones as men are pulverized into oblivion. Not much has changed, and it might be human […]

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Differences Between Memory Foam and Latex Foam

One of the biggest misconceptions by people just starting to look into comfort and support products is that memory foam and latex foam are the same. While both are premium materials that offer one-of-a-kind comfort, there are a few major differences that separate the two. Latex foam’s main ingredient is natural latex rubber tapped from […]

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What is Backer Rod Foam?

If you’ve ever walked across a smooth sidewalk or been in a log home that stayed toasty during the winter, you owe a debt of gratitude to a product you’ve probably never heard of. That product is foam backer rod, and it is an integral building material for masonry and construction that provides durability, flexibility […]

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Benefits of Fast-Drying Foam

Do you love to enjoy your patio or deck furniture but hate the mad scramble to bring them in the second it looks like it might rain? Have you had trouble finding the right foam for your boat cushions so they don’t get rotten and waterlogged? For these situations and many more, there is porous, […]

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The New Economy Has Changed International Shipping

In this economy, shippers are generally trying to keep international shipping cheap. Unfortunately there are so many factors that determine container freight rates that it is hard to say that shipping costs will ever go down again. Not only are shipping companies trying to keep up with their own costs, but the industry itself is […]

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Sports Betting, American as Apple Pie

Back in the day of bare knuckle fighting, two horses racing down a path and even legal cockfighting, sports betting has been a favorite pastime in America. Horse racing was prevalent beginning prior to the Civil War. Gambling on baseball began in the late eighteen hundreds. You may have seen the film, Eight Men Out, […]

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How to Bet on College Basketball Online

Basketball is a beautiful sport to watch and follow. Many fans have asked themselves on how to bet on college basketball and make a tidy sum from it. Numerous sports betting sites abound on the internet. The choice is yours to make after finding a site that you like. Betting on college basketball is a […]

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Shipping Industry and the Environment

In our quest for the best international shipping costs, many of us forget the question of what all of this shipping means to the environment. With the world trending towards being environmentally conscious, the shipping industry is finally trying to find a balance between progress in shipping and how it affects the air we breathe. […]

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The Basics of Sports Betting – How to Bet on Sports

While sports betting can be fun and lucrative, very few people know how to bet on sports. Many sport betting review sites provide tips and links for individuals interested in learning more about it or for seasoned bettors looking to improve their stats. First, educate yourself. Familiarize yourself with the sport, the teams, the players, […]

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Had A Little Too Much To Drink at the Game? What to Do About a DUI

When attending a sporting event, it’s easy to get caught up in the high excitement and sometimes get carried away. When we’re in an environment where people are having a good time and drinking, it’s not unheard of for the police to be waiting nearby, on the lookout for anyone that may have had a […]

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Tip of the Day

If you want to get leaner but don’t want to be found spending every waking second you happen to have in the gym, it’s time to look at some shortcuts you can take to up your calorie burn so you can destroy body fat faster.