Get a Foam Layered Mattresses for Custom Comfort

Comfort and support preferences are unique to every individual, no matter how similar two people are. Despite this, mattresses are still seen by many as a one-size-fits-all purchase, with hard or soft being the only comfort choices.

Running against the cookie-cutter concept most traditional mattress companies take, foam mattresses and foam bed pad toppers are products that can be mixed and matched to create unique sleeping experiences, tailored perfectly to the individual.

The layering of a mattress makes the building of your comfort a step-by-step process. For some people, a single slab of foam, like a Talalay mattress for example, may be perfect, just how traditional mattresses work for some people. But with layering, you can build toward the perfect level of comfort and support, one section at a time. Foam for bed layering is cut into sections usually only two or three inches thick. Based on the height an individual wants their mattress to be, they add layers as they go until they reach their ideal thickness. Firmer pieces are typically placed at the bottom of the layering, with softer layers closer to the sleep surface.

Multiple foam materials can be combined in a layer mattress as well. Varying firmnesses of conventional foam can rest under a memory foam top layer. A latex core can be placed under any other type of material to create a firm base. Or, you could even place one feel between two other layers and get a bed that’s a hybrid of both. What’s more, layering doesn’t require that the foam sheets be glued together, so if you find you’re not crazy about your setup, you can shuffle layers and move them around to find a better feel. Simply put, for your own individual sleep needs, an individualized layered mattress offers customization you can’t get any other way.