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3 Mistakes To Avoid When Starting Your Commercial Painting Company

So you live in Los Angeles, you can paint and you want to start your own commercial painting company? Well, if you want to be part of the elite group of Los Angeles painting contractors, keep in mind that professional painting is leagues ahead of your DIY home décor projects. Just because you managed to […]

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Give Your Pet a Shredded Foam Bed

Do you have pets that are getting older or recovering from a medical procedure? Perhaps you have a young, healthy pet you just want to pamper. If you fall under any of these categories, a shredded foam bed for your favorite pet is something that will make their lives much more enjoyable. Pet beds are […]

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Protect Your Boat and Dock with Bumpers

Owning a boat is a large investment and one that doesn’t end after the vessel is purchased. In addition to registration, fuel and a slip to dock the boat, every boat will require ongoing maintenance to keep it in top shape. Fortunately, there are a handful of ways to reduce wear and tear on your […]

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Build a Bed Perfect for You

In the current age of DIY, almost anything is possible if you’re willing to do research, prepare and take your time. This kind of effort can pay off in huge savings over a store-bought, ready-made product, as well as giving you the satisfaction of a job well done. One DIY project many people overlook that […]

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Boxing Betting and Money Making

In the days of the Romans, men used to battle to the death in an arena housing thousands of spectators eager for some blood spill. These days, we watch highlights from the latest MMA or boxing match on our phones as men are pulverized into oblivion. Not much has changed, and it might be human […]

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Hire A Professional Painting Contractor For All Of Your Painting Needs

If you are currently looking for someone to hire to cover all of your commercial painting needs consider hiring only the best. You can hire specialists who offer a wide variety of services including industrial painting, commercial painting, medical industry painting, facility management and tons of other services to meet all of your needs. Finding […]

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Differences Between Memory Foam and Latex Foam

One of the biggest misconceptions by people just starting to look into comfort and support products is that memory foam and latex foam are the same. While both are premium materials that offer one-of-a-kind comfort, there are a few major differences that separate the two. Latex foam’s main ingredient is natural latex rubber tapped from […]

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Synthetic Lawns Appear Real

You may be unaware of how real synthetic lawns really appear and for that very reason many of your neighbors could actually have fake grass in their backyard and you would never know the difference. There are many different reasons why homeowners choose to go this route including the low amount of maintenance that is […]

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What is Backer Rod Foam?

If you’ve ever walked across a smooth sidewalk or been in a log home that stayed toasty during the winter, you owe a debt of gratitude to a product you’ve probably never heard of. That product is foam backer rod, and it is an integral building material for masonry and construction that provides durability, flexibility […]

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How to Take Care of Artificial Turf

More and more surfaces are sporting an artificial turf. Residential homes, hotels, sports fields and even church compounds are all going for artificial grass. This kind of grass has grown in popularity due to the ease of maintenance and the attendant savings on money and energy. Going for artificial turf is proving to be a […]

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Tip of the Day

If you want to get leaner but don’t want to be found spending every waking second you happen to have in the gym, it’s time to look at some shortcuts you can take to up your calorie burn so you can destroy body fat faster.