Cheer on Your Favorite Team with Foam Spirit Boosters

Whether you’re screaming your head off in your living room as a Hail Mary pass flies through the air, or rooting on your kids during their weekend soccer match, having some team spirit always makes a game more enjoyable. And while we can cheer until we lose our voices, showing your spirit is as much fun as saying it, and foam spirit boosters are one of the best ways to let everybody know your allegiance.

The cornerstone of the cheering accessory world is the foam finger. These have come a long way since the original papier mache version was built, and you can’t attend a game at any level without seeing a squishy finger in the air. These decorative foam accessories are cut en masse from large sheets of foam, and are popular giveaways, fundraiser items, or door prizes because of their affordability and fun. Today, the foam finger has grown to encompass numerous designs tailored to individual teams, from hammers and swords, to talons to lightning bolts.

Spending hours cheering at a game can wind up being pretty uncomfortable though, especially when you’re subjected to hard, cold, stadium seating. Again, foam steps in to make rooting on your team more fun and much comfier. In stadiums that allow their use, cushioned foam bench pads soften rigid seats, ease pressure, and make it much easier to enjoy a whole game. They cushion, pad, and soften, but also let you show your spirit as well. Cushions come in bright, rich colors that let you keep your team colors consistent and can even feature logos to show even more pride on your team. Before you head out to the ballpark, be sure you’re set to let your favorite team know that you’re on their side with a cushioned stadium pad or foam finger.